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Cute Notebooks

Follicular Lymphoma

Making Sense of Cancer

How do you survive a new diagnosis of cancer? Specifically Follicular Lymphoma. Through my humor, faith and my love for speaking from my heart, I hope to shed some light on understanding what it’s like to have cancer. 

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2 years since I was diagnosed

It's been 2 years since I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Follicular Lymphoma. In February of this year I became a little obsessive with...

Follow up PET scan

6 weeks after completing chemo I had a repeat scan. The hospital, that once was scary, big, and unfamiliar was second nature to me. I now...

Update:I rang the bell!!

I finished my 6th, and last 2 day rounds of chemo in October, 21. It took hindsight after several months to recognize how mentally and...


***edited to add….I found this post 8 months later and inserted it in chronological order*** I’m nearing a milestone. In 3 days I’ll be...

The Mental Game

I think if this was on Game Show Network, I’d be the winner extraordinaire like Ken Jennings was to Jeopardy. But wait? No, no, no. I‘d...

Chemotherapy. Day 1.

First day in the books! High school cheerleader jump move (definitely not the splits jump, hard pass)/1990's MC Hammer moves/stirrin the...

The most overwhelming day

May 29, 2020 From my social media account: I'm still trying to absorb the contents of my oncology appt from yesterday. I'm embarking on...

Puddle of tears

May 23, 2021 The last 12 days I’ve encountered have been the worst 12 consecutive days of my life. I’ve never felt this consumed by...

A Series of Unfortunate Events

May 18, 2021 Bone marrow biopsy day. I opted for no sedation so I could drive myself there and back. This ‘you’re going to have to rely...

First oncology appointment

This is the day I find out what the heck is going on. Evan, my 17 year old son is taking me. He’s wise for his age, has an old soul and...

Suck it up

May 11, 2021 My world was turned upside down yesterday afternoon. I read my biopsy results online, by myself, and learned I have cancer....

You have new test results available.

May 10, 2021 I have been planning a basement remodel for months now. I love home DIY projects. This one is bigger than my usual plans, so...

I feel like I'm circling the drain

This is a common phrase used by nurses when someone is nearing death or incredibly sick. And, yes, nurses have a terrible, raunchy,...

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